Our therapists make significant contributions to the learning and social development of students at the school. A speech pathologist and occupational therapists are based at the school, with regular additional support from a physiotherapist.Through consultation with staff, families and students, the therapists provide strategies and guidance to help the team around our students enable the achievement of learning and social goals. Also, therapists can support families with submissions for specialised equipment, augmentative and alternative communication systems, orthotics and continence.Every student at our school is eligible for NDIS support in their outside lives. We are supportive of the positive impact that the scheme is having on many. The Victorian government and Department of Education have developed guidance for registered NDIS providers and behaviour support practitioners supporting NDIS participants who attend Victorian Government Schools: Guidance for NDIS Practitioners.
We have also produced some school-specific guidance to clarify how Burwood East Special Developmental School approaches NDIS requests from families and external therapists.
To submit an online request for a consultation, you will need to supply the names and email addresses of the therapist AND the student's family.
Download our information about working with the NDIS at Burwood East Special Developmental School and the paper request for consultation form.
If you need help understanding the information on this page, please contact school on 03 9803 4590.