Aboriginal Learning, Wellbeing and Safety Action Plan (new in 2022)
Administration of Medication (updated in 2022)
Anaphylaxis (updated in 2022)
Asthma (updated in 2022)
Attendance (updated in 2022)
Bullying Prevention (updated in 2022)
Camps and Excursions (updated in 2022)
Communication with Staff (updated in 2022)
Complaints (updated in 2022)
Digital Learning (updated in 2022)
Duty of Care (updated in 2022)
Enrolment (updated in 2022)
First Aid (updated in 2022)
Health Care Needs (updated in 2022)
Inclusion and Diversity (new in 2022)
Voluntary Financial Contribution (Parent Payments) for 2023 (updated in 2022) - more information on the DET's Parent Payments Policy
Photographing, Filming and Recording Students (updated in 2022)
School Privacy Collection Statement for 2022 (updated in 2022) - more information on the DET's Schools' Privacy Policy page
Statement of Values and School Philosophy (updated in 2022)
Student Wellbeing and Engagement (updated in 2022)
SunSmart (updated in 2022)
Visitors (updated in 2022)
Volunteers (updated in 2022)
Yard Duty and Supervision (updated in 2022)Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions about our policies and procedures - we are happy to discuss any aspect of our school operations and procedures with you.
If you need help understanding the information on this page, please contact school on 03 9803 4590.